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The negotiation continues

 September 28, 2024

"Brother Dustin, I understand that you have such concerns."

Han Tian smiled and said, "But I can assure you that as long as you are loyal and don't betray the Pantheon, there will be no danger. We Pantheon attaches great importance to geniuses like you. To put it bluntly, taking poison is just a safety measure to prevent secrets from being leaked. I believe you should understand this."

Without taking the poison, there would be no way to control them, and naturally, they couldn't be trusted.

It's one thing to use someone for cannon fodder tasks, but when it comes to entrusting someone with important responsibilities, every aspect must be considered—especially their loyalty.

"Lord Han, I understand what you said. I also yearn for the Pantheon, but we have just met for a short time. I can't trust the Pantheon unconditionally for the time being." Dustin shook his head again.

You're completely useless, yet you're making all these demands. Do you really think I'm that much of a fool?

"Brother Dustin, trust can be built. Take a look at this first..."

Han Tian said, and suddenly took out an exquisite box from his arms and pushed it in front of Dustin.

"What is this?"

Dustin opened it and saw two tubes of medicine inside.

One tube is red and the other is blue. There is no special feature on the surface, but if you feel it carefully, you will find that it contains a powerful and special energy.

"To be honest, this is a special strengthening potion made by our Pantheon. It is very precious. Only those above the main god level are qualified to enjoy it."

Han Tian pointed to the two tubes of potion and explained: "The red potion mainly strengthens the body, including speed, strength, defense, reaction, etc.; the blue potion can greatly improve the energy. In the words of your Dragon Country warriors, this thing is equivalent to spiritual liquid and can be directly absorbed."

"Oh? Is it so powerful?" Dustin raised his eyebrows and was quite surprised.

He had heard that Western countries have done in-depth research on genetic medicine.

Unlike the training of Dragon Country warriors, they can cultivate a group of masters in a short period of time by modifying genes and taking medicines.

However, masters cultivated by genetic medicines often cannot be improved again, and their lifespan is short, and they need to take medicines for a long time.

Once they are away from the medicine, they will be beaten back to their original form.

But even so, there are still countless people flocking to it.

The reason is simple, this is a shortcut to become a strong man without much effort or talent.

"Brother Dustin, you should have seen it in the competition, right? Whether it is Black Kong or Father Adam, they have all taken potions, and all aspects of their bodies have been greatly enhanced."

"Although they cannot be compared with geniuses like you, Brother Dustin, I believe that their fighting power is obvious to all."

"The most important thing is that their physical talents are limited and they cannot fully absorb the potion. At most, they can only exert half of the effect. If it is you, Brother Dustin, you should be able to absorb more than 80%."

"It is no exaggeration to say that as long as you take these two tubes of potion, then the champion of this martial arts competition will be you!"

"How about it? Are you satisfied with this gift?"

Han Tian smiled and said it with confidence.

To become a strong man, you must have a heart to become stronger.

And strength is often the greatest pursuit of the strong.

And no strong man can resist the temptation to become stronger.

"The treasure is a good treasure, but... there will be no side effects, right?" Dustin carefully observed the two tubes of potion, with a bit of hesitation.

Han Tian knew that the other party was tempted, and immediately said while the iron was hot: "Brother Dustin, don't worry, these two tubes of medicine are our most successful research, the cost is extremely expensive, and there will be no side effects. I can guarantee you."

"I heard that this kind of medicine needs to be taken for a long time, otherwise it will lose its effect. I wonder if it is true or not?" Dustin asked again tentatively.

"The rumor is true, but compared with the semi-finished products before, this medicine is close to perfect. As long as it is taken once a year, the effect can be maintained for a long time."

Han Tian did not hide it and talked freely: "Of course, you don't have to worry about this at all. As long as you join the Temple of the Gods, the supply of medicine will be endless."

"So that's it." Dustin nodded thoughtfully, but cursed in his heart.

Although these medicines can make people stronger, once they are taken, they will become puppets of the Temple of the Gods.

If you dare to disobey, the supply will be cut off immediately.

And there is a high probability that people who take medicines will become addicted.

The Pantheon uses these addictive potions to manipulate masters from all sides to serve them.

What a great plan!

"Brother Dustin, how about it? Do you want to join our Pantheon and create brilliance together?" Han Tian invited again.

The temptation of the championship, coupled with the temptation of becoming stronger, fame and strength, I believe few people can resist it.

"Lord Han has said so much, if I don't appreciate it, it would be a bit ungrateful."

Dustin smiled and accepted the potion, showing his attitude.

"Okay! Brother Dustin is really a smart man!"

Han Tian's eyes lit up: "The strengthening potion is just an appetizer. After joining our Pantheon, there will be countless resources and rewards in the future. I guarantee that you will never be disappointed!"

"Please give me more advice in the future, Lord Han." Dustin stood up and saluted with his hands clasped.

"Okay, okay, follow me and you'll have everything you want in the future."

Han Tian suddenly changed the subject: "But now, you still have to show your sincerity."

Han Tian raised his hand and pushed the poison on the table forward.

The meaning is obvious. To join the Pantheon and be valued, you must first drink poison to show your loyalty. - Marinien


Anonymous said…
What will happen to Dustin, if he drinks it?
Marinien said…
Nothing, I guess. They need top poisons to have some effect on Dustin.
Riba said…
If they used top poisons special design for ultimate grandmaster then.

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