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Showing posts from September 24, 2024

September 24, 2024

  Looking at Father Adam swooping down, Dustin simply made a sword-holding motion, and then suddenly swung it out, as fast as lightning. "Swoosh~!" A black sword light shot out, as if it could tear the sky apart, and with an unmatched momentum, it slashed towards Father Adam. "What?!" Father Adam's face changed, and the inexplicable sense of crisis made his soul tremble. This sword seemed ordinary, but after his enhanced perception, he could clearly perceive the destructive breath contained in it. He was sure that if he was hit by this sword, he would die on the spot. Without time to think, Father Adam immediately gave up the offensive, almost instinctively vibrated his wings, and made a dodging action in the air. Father Adam's reaction was fast, but the black sword light was faster. Almost at the same time as Father Adam turned sideways, the black sword light had passed through his body, bringing out a large amount of blood, dyeing half of