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Showing posts from September 20, 2024

Dustin vs. Father Adam: the match begins!

  September 20, 2024 "Doctor Rhys! Come on!" When Dustin came on stage, the two sisters Xiao Ningmeng behind him immediately started cheering. With the two leading the way, more and more audiences began to cheer for him. For a while, there was thunderous applause and constant cheering. The reason was simple. When Dustin fought against the blood clan before, he not only showed his powerful force, but also won glory for the country. Since that battle, his popularity has increased a lot. Now in the last game, Dustin is fighting against a foreigner again. Regardless of their position, the audience of Dragonmarsh will unconditionally support Dustin. When facing foreign enemies, the people of Dragonmarsh usually have unimaginable cohesion. Even if there are constant internal struggles, as long as the foreign enemy dares to invade, everyone will become one. After Dustin came on stage, Father Adam No. 9 also walked onto the stage. Compared to the dead Bill Wol