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Showing posts from September 25, 2024

September 25, 2024

"It's interesting. It seems that this competition will not be boring." In the seat of the Sword Sect, Tyler Juding narrowed his eyes slightly, and his cold face showed a rare interest. As a swordsman, his greatest interest is to challenge the strong. The stronger the opponent, the more excited he is, especially when he sees a master who uses a sword, it will stimulate his fighting spirit. Of course, ordinary swordsmen are naturally not in his eyes. But Dustin's performance just now has attracted his attention. Those two swords were fast and fierce, and the sharpness of the sword energy was not inferior to his. Such a master is undoubtedly his best whetstone. Of course, Tyler Juding is not the only one who has the same idea. The two swords that Dustin used to kill Father Adam amazed the audience and made him a dark horse. In the eyes of most people, Dustin did not say winning the championship, but at least he had the strength to impact the top three