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September 25, 2024

"It's interesting. It seems that this competition will not be boring."

In the seat of the Sword Sect, Tyler Juding narrowed his eyes slightly, and his cold face showed a rare interest.

As a swordsman, his greatest interest is to challenge the strong.

The stronger the opponent, the more excited he is, especially when he sees a master who uses a sword, it will stimulate his fighting spirit.

Of course, ordinary swordsmen are naturally not in his eyes.

But Dustin's performance just now has attracted his attention.

Those two swords were fast and fierce, and the sharpness of the sword energy was not inferior to his.

Such a master is undoubtedly his best whetstone.

Of course, Tyler Juding is not the only one who has the same idea.

The two swords that Dustin used to kill Father Adam amazed the audience and made him a dark horse.

In the eyes of most people, Dustin did not say winning the championship, but at least he had the strength to impact the top three.

His value has soared.

Those big sects spared no expense and extended an olive branch to Dustin.

After all, such a top talent, with a little training, can become a powerful person who dominates one side, and then lead the sect to glory.

Of course, recruiting is recruiting, but whether it can succeed is another matter.

The 16-to-8 competition ended with Dustin's victory.

The three foreign challengers were annihilated and no one survived.

This competition can be said to be full of twists and turns and wonderful.

Until the last moment, no one can determine the outcome of the game, because there are too many reversals.

Whether it is Zhang Yiqing who defeated Kuang Lang, Yan Buqi who defeated Lin Yuan, or Dustin who finally decided the outcome, they can all be called dark horses.

Because at the beginning, they were not optimistic, but in the end they won, and won beautifully.

In addition to the three dark horses, the performances of the other players were also remarkable, and they fully exerted their strengths.

Finally, after layers of screening, the strongest eight people were decided.

And tomorrow, the real champion will be selected from these eight people.

The gold content of this championship is much higher than that of the Tianjiao Genius List.

Because the Tianjiao Genius List only speculates the strength of a warrior through various factors, it is not completely accurate and is only for reference.

But the ring competition is a real contest of strength.

Who is strong and who is weak, who wins and who loses, is clear at a glance, and there is no room for opportunism.

In other words, the outcome of tomorrow's competition will determine who is the strongest Tianjiao Genius in the world.

As night falls, Longhu Mountain, which was very lively during the day, finally returns to peace.

The top eight contestants either conserve their energy or secretly plan and brew a trump card.

Tomorrow's game is crucial, and all forces will focus on it. The top three places are the goal of all the top eight players.

Whether they can become famous in the world depends on this time.

The forces behind the top eight players are also nervous.

If they can make it to the top three, not only will they get generous rewards from Longhu Mountain, but they can also strengthen the prestige of the sect and attract elites from all sides to join.

This competition is not only about personal honor and disgrace, but also about the rise and fall of the sect, so there is no room for carelessness.

Therefore, all forces took out their best treasures and gave them to their disciples, hoping to shine in tomorrow's game.

Even win the championship in one fell swoop!

At this moment, thirty kilometers away from Longhu Mountain, in a hidden mountain villa.

Bear King Bailey was sitting at the dining table, eating meat and drinking wine with big mouthfuls, his mouth full of oil and water.

Various meats were placed on the five-meter-long square table.

Looking around, there were as many as thirty or forty kinds, all meat, without a single vegetarian dish.

"Lord Bailey!"

At this time, Han Tian, ​​the main god of the Pantheon, suddenly walked into the door with an anxious look.

"What's the matter?"

Bear King Bailey did not look up, but ate heartily.

"Lord Bailey, our plan A has failed!"

Han Tian said solemnly: "The three masters sent out to compete with the Dragonmarsh warriors have been annihilated, and no one survived!"


After saying this, the Bear King finally stopped eating and slowly raised his head: "Are you sure they were annihilated? Even Father Adam died?"

"Sure!" Han Tian nodded heavily: "I have brought back the mutilated bodies of the three people. Does Lord Bailey want to take a look in person?"

"Carry them in!" Bear King Bailey had a gloomy face.

After getting permission, Han Tian waved his hand, and soon several people carried in three bodies covered with white cloth.

Bear King Bailey stepped forward, lifted the white cloth and frowned immediately.

What kind of corpse is this? It's clearly a pile of rotten meat!

Dark Prince Bill Wolf and Angel Dust Father Adam were both beaten to pieces.

Not to mention the human form, even a complete organ could not be found, just two piles of chopped meat.

Among the three, the best preserved corpse was Black King Kong.

But even so, his upper body had been blown to pieces, leaving only the two legs below the waist intact.

"How could this happen? What happened?!" Bear King Bailey was furious.

He never dreamed that he would fall at the door of the quarterfinals after working so hard to find the three masters, and die so miserably that there was not even a complete corpse.

It was a huge shame! - Ton


Anonymous said…
Riba said…
Thanks @Ton. I wonder what will be the plan B?
Riba said…
What will happen the night before competition ? Will it be short or long?
Ton said…
@anonymous asking about why Mystic Arts Order has suddenly discovered a source of spiritual crystals, that's my first thought too . I commented on this forgot what site it is when Abigail revealed this as their payment in her Casinos. This is sudden so there is a possibilty that they've discovered one of the dragon source energy. I got the idea from Dustin's encounter with the first DSE in the desert. It turned the pool liquid it was in into spritual liquid. Again, this is just a guess.
Vivek said…
That might be a more plausible reason to why suddenly they have so many of the spiritual crystals. And it being sought after by many in the martial arts world, they'll be in demand even after the tournament ends. If it does turn out to be Dragon Qi, how will Dustin and Margaret tale it from Abigail? Surely she won't be willing to let her uncle have it, just like that?

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