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Dustin vs. Father Adam: the match begins!

 September 20, 2024

"Doctor Rhys! Come on!"

When Dustin came on stage, the two sisters Xiao Ningmeng behind him immediately started cheering.

With the two leading the way, more and more audiences began to cheer for him.

For a while, there was thunderous applause and constant cheering.

The reason was simple. When Dustin fought against the blood clan before, he not only showed his powerful force, but also won glory for the country.

Since that battle, his popularity has increased a lot.

Now in the last game, Dustin is fighting against a foreigner again.

Regardless of their position, the audience of Dragonmarsh will unconditionally support Dustin.

When facing foreign enemies, the people of Dragonmarsh usually have unimaginable cohesion.

Even if there are constant internal struggles, as long as the foreign enemy dares to invade, everyone will become one.

After Dustin came on stage, Father Adam No. 9 also walked onto the stage.

Compared to the dead Bill Wolf and Black Kong, Father Adam, known as Angel Dust, did not behave too arrogantly.

Except for the powerful side of Father Adam when he defeated the monk Jingxin before, most of the time, the opponent looked very low-key and ordinary.

Of course, Dustin knew in his heart that this was just an appearance.

Among the three masters sent by the Temple of the Gods, the seemingly harmless priest in front of him is the strongest one.

Stronger than the previous two combined.

"I can see that you are a dangerous person. It should not be too easy to beat you today."

Father Adam stared at Dustin with his eyes straight, without any contempt on his face, but very solemn.

Although he could not see through Dustin's strength, the threat he gave him was no worse than that of Han Feiyang, a master on the Genius list.

In fact, he was even slightly stronger.

That’s why in this battle, he would give it his all.

"Beat me?"

Dustin smiled faintly. "If you can keep your life, I'll consider it a loss."

He had no mercy for the lackeys of the Pantheon, especially those who posed a significant threat. The more he could eliminate, the better.

"Oh? You seem pretty confident," Father Adam grinned. "Are you so sure you can defeat me?"

"You'll find out soon enough," Dustin replied, his expression unchanged.

"Okay! Then let me test your strength!" Father Adam snorted, and his body began to change.

A layer of fine black scales covered his whole body at a very fast speed, like armor, covering all the weak parts tightly.

In addition, his arms also quickly transformed, and in a breath they turned into two sharp black blades, exactly the same as the previous Black Kong's weapons.

Compared with Black Kong, Father Adam is more thorough and more powerful in genetic modification.

It has the advantages of dozens of creatures and has been greatly enhanced.

Speed, strength, defense, reaction, recovery, and five senses, etc., are far superior to normal people.

It is no exaggeration to say that Father Adam has no weaknesses.

It is a nearly perfect killing machine!

"Show your weapons." Father Adam slowly spread his arms, and the sharp blade cut two deep marks on the ground of the ring.

It was like cutting tofu, without any hindrance.

The sharpness of the blade can be seen.

"When you die, you will see it naturally." Dustin said with a smile.

"Humph! Arrogant!" Father Adam's face turned cold.

Even though he was very cunning, he was still very unhappy to be despised by his opponent.

"The game... officially begins!"

Seeing that the two were full of gunpowder, Zhang Qizheng didn't waste any words. After announcing the start, he immediately left the ring.

"I want to see how capable you are!"

Father Adam kicked his foot and rushed out like an arrow from a bow, launching the first attack.

His physical condition has reached its peak, and his five senses are extremely sharp. He can accurately detect any flaws in the opponent and break them.

"Swish! Swish! Swish!"

When Father Adam was on the move, Dustin waved his hand and three silver needles shot out from his sleeves.

Two of the silver needles went straight to Father Adam's eyes, and the third silver needle went straight to his heart.


Father Adam did not dodge or avoid, and continued to rush forward. When the silver needles stabbed, he just swung his two swords forward, and there were only two "clang" sounds, and the two silver needles stabbed at his eyes were knocked away on the spot.

As for the third silver needle, Father Adam ignored it and let it stab into the scales on his chest.


The silver needle collided with the scales, splashing sparks.

Father Adam's momentum had not stopped, but the silver needle had twisted and fell to the ground without causing any damage.


Dustin curled his lips, and became more interested.

Although his silver needle was not a powerful hidden weapon, it was more than enough to deal with ordinary martial arts masters.

Now it hit Father Adam, but it had no effect, which showed how strong his defense was.


In the blink of an eye, Father Adam had rushed to Dustin, and the sharp blade slashed directly at his neck.

With a strong breath of destruction. - Marinien


Ton said…
Thanks Marinien! Can we fastforward time now? Excited for next chapterS :D
Ton said…
Loving this cocky, very confident Dustin!!!!
Marinien said…
He sure has a big mouth. Even when he faced the likes of Ronald Reeds, Nestor or Ji Yuanzun, he's still very cocky :D
Ton said…
@Marinien, one of my fave is when he roasted Mark Montgomery. I think Mark suffered more pain with what Dustin said to him than being beat up in the foot of the mountain that day lol
Guimo said…
Most awaited battle....thanks for the updates guys
YaYa said…
@ton jog my memory, Mark Montgomery??
Ton said…
@Yaya depends on what English translation you've read but he's the 7th in the current Genius List. Same adoptive father as Dahlia.
Marinien said…
Quote -

" have been hiding your strength?"

Mu Guanyu held the handle of the knife with both hands, his eyes filled with astonishment.

"It's not that I'm hiding my strength, but you're too weak for me to take you seriously." Lu Chen said with an indifferent expression.


Mu Guanyu gritted his teeth and almost spat out another mouthful of blood.

"You should be the worst among the four great masters of Yanjing." Lu Chen once again hit the target.
Marinien said…
His verbal skills are sure legendary lol
Ton said…
After that, Mu Guanyu / Mark Montgomery said, "you go too far" to Dustin hahaha cause Dustin hit him bulls eye with his words, again. Thanks for the quote Marinien

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