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September 24, 2024

 Looking at Father Adam swooping down, Dustin simply made a sword-holding motion, and then suddenly swung it out, as fast as lightning.


A black sword light shot out, as if it could tear the sky apart, and with an unmatched momentum, it slashed towards Father Adam.


Father Adam's face changed, and the inexplicable sense of crisis made his soul tremble.

This sword seemed ordinary, but after his enhanced perception, he could clearly perceive the destructive breath contained in it.

He was sure that if he was hit by this sword, he would die on the spot.

Without time to think, Father Adam immediately gave up the offensive, almost instinctively vibrated his wings, and made a dodging action in the air.

Father Adam's reaction was fast, but the black sword light was faster.

Almost at the same time as Father Adam turned sideways, the black sword light had passed through his body, bringing out a large amount of blood, dyeing half of the sky red.


Father Adam screamed.

Half of his shoulder, along with his arm and wing, was torn apart by the sword, and blood fell to the ground like rain.

Father Adam's body was unstable, and after spinning in the air for a few times, he fell headfirst on the ring.

Just one sword cut off half of Father Adam's body.

" can you be so powerful?!"

Father Adam quickly stood up, his face full of fear, not caring about the wound at all.

He found that Dustin with and without a sword were completely two different people.

When he was without a sword, although Dustin's punches and kicks were powerful, they could not hurt his roots, and only broke some scales.

But with a sword, Dustin was completely different.

He looked like the god of death from hell, and he took half of his life with just a wave of his hand.

The most terrifying thing was that the opponent's sword energy actually had the effect of curbing his recovery ability.

The wounds on his body could not heal as quickly as before.

"You are indeed powerful for forcing me to use the sword, but that's it."

Dustin said, and raised the Sky Sword in his hand again.

"Wait! I give up..."

Father Adam panicked, and just as he was about to surrender, the second black sword light came whistling.

Wherever it passed, everything was silent, full of the breath of destruction.


Father Adam let out a desperate roar.

The next second, the black sword light passed through his body.

After a short stiffness, Father Adam's body suddenly "banged" and exploded on the spot, turning into blood and flesh all over the sky, covering the entire ring.

For a moment, the whole audience was silent.

Everyone stared in amazement, their faces full of disbelief.

No one expected that Dustin would be so powerful after using the sword, which was completely beyond their imagination.

You know, after Father Adam grew wings on his back, his strength was doubled, and he also had the ability to fly.

Whether it was his agility or his ability to charge, it was increased by several times.

They originally thought that in front of such a Father Adam, Dustin should have no resistance.

But they never expected that Dustin not only did not lose, but also easily killed Father Adam.

Two swords, only two swords.

Father Adam, who was called the king of demons, was blasted into flesh and blood.

It was simply outrageous!

"Oh my god! Am I seeing right? That monster was killed just like that?"

"Horrible, it's really terrible! I've never seen such a domineering sword!"

"Two swords to kill the demon, it's really terrifying!"

"I didn't see it before, I didn't expect this boy to be so powerful, in my opinion, he is the biggest dark horse in this competition!"

"Who is this person...? Why haven't I seen him before?"

"If there is no place for this boy on the Tianjiao Genius list, I, Lao Liu, will be the first to disagree!"


After a short silence, the entire audience was in an uproar.

The eyes of the crowd looking at Dustin were surprised, stunned, confused, puzzled, but more of admiration, and the glory of winning for the country.

No matter what Dustin's identity is, what his origins are, at least he is a Dragonmarsh countryman.

On the ring, he defeated the foreigners who came to challenge him openly, which was to win glory for the country and for all Dragonmarsh warriors.

They were naturally proud of it.

"I declare that contestant No. 8 Dustin wins!" Referee Zhang Qizhen's voice sounded like thunder.

Even the Taoist priest, who was always calm, was shocked by the scene just now.

He had a hunch that even if he personally went on stage, he might not be able to block those two swords, let alone the foreign priest.

With such powerful strength at such a young age, it seems that Dragonmarsh has produced another amazing genius!

"Good, good, good! Great! Doctor Rhys won!"

After hearing the result, Xiao Ningmeng and Xiao Qiang cheered.

Margaret, who was sitting next to them, also breathed a sigh of relief.

After seeing the demon Father Adam before, her heart was inevitably hanging, but fortunately, Dustin won without any danger in the end.

"This person... could it be him?"

Han Feiyang stared straight at Dustin on the ring, frowning, and was in doubt.

Dustin's two swords just now made him feel a familiar breath.

This reminded him of the person he met in Yanjing a year ago.

He was the top of the Tianjiao Genius list --- Logan Rhys! - Ton


Ton said…
Announcement: There'll be changes with Margaret's name when together with Celestial Alliance. She takes on the identity of Marguerite in line with author's story. There'll be corresponding edits made for chapters concerned. Aside from that, she remains Margaret. Thanks you.
Anonymous said…
Explain me the timeline again. Didn't the fight between Han Feiyang and Logan Rhys happen atleast a few months ago rather than a year? Has it been a year or is the author changing the timeline at his will?
Ton said…
@Anonymous maybe best answer is no comment :D Cause yesterday, the audience recognized the Sky Sword. Today there's suddenly no trace. Maybe we'll be enlightened tomorrow. Who knows haha
Sid said…
It was short, but goose bumps all over.... Whn we needed the braging more, author kept it short. 😅
Ton said…
Announcement 2: We'll be doing a direct translation adjustment from now on. Much better. Li Qincheng to Margaret and Yuehua to Marguerite. Corrections on previous Chapters out will be adjusted when there's time. Thank you
kingsylvanus said…
@Ton is Marguerite and Margaret not the same person?
Anonymous said…
How the hell did everyone suddenly become oblivious to the Sky Sword?
Anyway, can't wait to see what those sect leaders have to say about it
Anonymous said…
And as usual, the referee did not interfere 😁
kingsylvanus said…
Lol, that was a western opponent so he won't and I think he was kinda scared too. Lol. And I don't think they forgot the sky sword I think they don't know who just summoned it
Ton said…
@kingsylvanus they are the same. Margaret has the identity of Yuehua (Marguerite) when with Xiao Ningmeng that's why she also wears a mask same as Dustin. Ningmeng doesn't know her as Margaret the Princess.
Anonymous said…
Thank you guys!!
Anonymous said…
Who is Lao Liu?
Ton said…
@Anonymous, just an old spectator
Anonymous said…
There is a list of swords along with their owners, therefore, seeing the sword should confirm the identity of the owner
Ton said…
Yes, a few in the audience recognized it according to the author and automatically will be led back to its owner since the List of Divine weapons was made public and shows the respective owner of each weapon. BUT, next chapters we see this suppressed bit by bit trying to hide Dustin's true identity. I just imagine that these few people decide to keep it among themselves and not talk about it to avoid a headache.

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