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Enter the acting class

"According to the investigation, Black Kong died at the hands of the Saint of the Witch Gu Sect, while the Dark Prince and Angel Dust were killed by a guy named Dustin."

Han Tian did not hide anything and quickly told the details of what happened.

The annihilation of the three masters was a big blow to the Pantheon.

They originally planned to take a two-pronged approach. On the one hand, they competed for the championship of the martial arts competition and severely dampened the spirit of the Dragon Country warriors; on the other hand, they acted secretly to steal the Dragon Country's treasures and cut off the Dragon Country's luck.

Unfortunately, Plan A failed just at the beginning.

Not only did they lose the three masters, but they also lost the face of the Pantheon.

"I know something about the Saint of the Witch Gu Sect, but where did this Dustin come from?" After listening, Bear King Bailey's face was as gloomy as water.

Abigail, the Saint of the Witch Gu Sect, was the second master on the Dragon Country Genius List. He naturally did an investigation.

It's not unfair for Black Kong to die at the hands of such a person.

But the name Dustin was very unfamiliar, he had never heard of it.

You know, Father Adam, known as the Angel Dust, once his abilities are fully unleashed, is equivalent to a powerful person at the level of a Dragon State Ultimate Grandmaster.

Even the Saintess of the Witch Gu Cult may not be able to get the upper hand against Father Adam.

What's more, he is an unknown junior?

What ability does the other party have to kill two of his generals in a row?

"Dustin's identity is mysterious, his origins are a mystery, and no clues have been found yet..."

At this point, Han Tian suddenly felt a chill on his back, as if he was stared at by a beast, and hurriedly said: "But I have met this Dustin once, and I suggest that you try to win him over."

"Win him over?" Bear King Bailey restrained his murderous intent and asked with interest: "How to win him over?"

"Dustin can kill our two masters, which is enough to prove his strength. If we lure him with a large sum of money and let him join the Temple of the Gods, it will definitely be a hundred benefits without any harm." Han Tian said respectfully.

Since we can't beat him, we should win him over. When facing a strong man, it is better to be friends than enemies. This is the usual method used by the Pantheon.

"It would be best if we could subdue this person and make him work for our Pantheon, but are you sure?" Bear King Bailey's eyes were deep.

"Replying to Lord Bailey, I had a chance to contact Dustin secretly a few days ago. I originally wanted to use him as cannon fodder with those Dragon Country warriors to attract the attention of Longhu Mountain for us, but now it seems that he is worth using." Han Tian said.

If you don't check, you don't know that Dustin, who killed Father Adam with a sword today, was actually a cannon fodder I recruited a few days ago.

"Can this person named Dustin be trusted? He won't let the wolf into the house, right?" Bear King Bailey narrowed his eyes.

If he can be promoted to the top eight, then this Dustin will definitely be fought over by various forces in Dragon Country. It is not an easy task to persuade the other party to rebel against Dragon Country.

Even if the other party really agrees, whether it is trustworthy or not is another matter.

"Don't worry, Lord Bailey. I am very confident that I can pull Dustin into our camp. As for the degree of trust..."

Han Tian smiled, suddenly took out a medicine bottle, and said: "This is the poison I carefully developed, specifically for the masters of Dragon Country. After taking it, if there is no antidote from me, you will die of intestinal perforation in three days!"

"Good stuff!"

Bear King Bailey's eyes lit up: "I didn't expect that Lord Han had a plan. It seems that I worried too much. This matter is left to you. You must do it beautifully. Don't let me down."

Using poison to control the warriors of Dragon Country is indeed a good way. Unless you are not afraid of death, no one will risk their own life.

The question is, how many people in the world do not cherish their lives?

"Yes! I will do it immediately!"

After Han Tian saluted, he turned around and left.

With the strength shown by Dustin, his value is much higher than the three dead masters, so no matter how much he pays, he must recruit him into the Temple of the Gods.

The night was as cold as water, and the wind was biting.

After dinner, Dustin was about to go back to his room to rest, but was stopped at the door.

"Brother Dustin!"

Hearing the voice, Dustin turned around, and saw Han Tian walking over with a smile, asking, "Do you remember me?"

"Lord Han?" Dustin quickly recognized the person.

"Brother Dustin, can I have a word with you?" Han Tian looked around and lowered his voice.

"Please come in and talk in detail." Dustin understood, opened the door, and made a gesture of invitation.

Han Tian smiled and stepped in first.

Dustin walked into the room, closed the door, poured two cups of tea, pushed one to Han Tian, ​​and asked with a smile: "Lord Han, I wonder what advice you have for visiting me in the middle of the night?"

"First of all, congratulations to Brother Dustin for advancing to the top eight and making a big splash."

At this point, Han Tian suddenly changed the subject: "However, what Brother Dustin did today ruined the plan of our Pantheon!"

"Oh? What do you mean?" Dustin pretended to be confused.

"To be honest, the two foreign players that Brother Dustin defeated today are both from our Pantheon." Han Tian lowered his voice.

"What? There is such a thing?"

Dustin's eyes widened, and he was surprised: "Lord Han, I really didn't know about this. If I had known that they were from the Pantheon, I wouldn't have been so harsh."

After saying that, he shook his head and sighed, looking guilty.

The best actor is confirmed. - Marinien


Anonymous said…
Why does it still say 25th September?
Riba said…
I hope Dustin is not posion by this cunning visiters
Anonymous said…
As Dustin found out the relationship between Han Tian and the Dragon country enemies so it is presumed that he will not be deceived by this person.
kingsylvanus said…
We all know Dustin is immune to random poisons unless it's part of the was it top 10 or 3 deadly poisons, he might just play alone to know more of their plan but the poison isn't going to work

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