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September 9, 2024


Black Kong roared, as powerful as thunder.

The blades on his arms, with two cold rays, pierced Abigail's body at lightning speed.

Because of the fast momentum, after passing by, Black Kong's feet slid on the ground for seven or eight meters before slowly stopping.

"Hahahaha... bitch! This is what happens when you anger me!"

Turning around, Black Kong laughed wildly, his face full of ferocity.

What poisonous fog and poisonous insects, they are all useless things, strength is the key to victory.

"Hey, what are you laughing at?"

Suddenly, a crisp voice sounded from the front.

Black Kong was stunned, looked up, and saw Abigail turned around nonchalantly, with a sneer on her face, as if she was looking at an idiot.


Black Kong's smile disappeared instantly, replaced by astonishment.

What happened?

Didn't his blade already penetrate the opponent's neck? Why is there no injury at all?

Did he miss the target just now? Impossible!

His knife was as fast as lightning, and it was gone in the blink of an eye. Besides, the opponent stood there without moving. How could he miss the target?

What was going on?

"I don't believe I can't kill you!"

Since he couldn't figure it out, Black King Kong was too lazy to think about it.

If he couldn't kill her once, he would kill her twice. If he couldn't kill her twice, he would kill her ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times!

No matter what, he would make this bitch pay the price!

Black Kong spread his blades in both arms, and the whole person turned into a residual image, rushing forward again.

He had a strong body and amazing recovery ability. As long as he didn't die, he could continue to fight. Even if it was a waste, he could kill his opponent.

"You're asking for trouble."

Looking at the figure that was ejected, Abigail still didn't dodge, but simply waved her hand.

Three black iron balls flew out and hit Black Kong in the face. They were the Tang Sect's hidden weapon, Hundred Flowers Kill.

Having learned from the previous lesson, Black Kong did not dare to chop. He twisted his feet and dodged.

However, at the moment when the two sides crossed, Hundred Flowers Kill burst out.

"Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish..."

The sky full of poisonous needles poured out, directly shooting Black Kong into a hedgehog.

The whole body was densely packed with poisonous needles.

If it were an ordinary master, he would have died on the spot if he was caught off guard and suffered three Hundred Flowers Kill.

But Black Kong was extraordinary. He had thick skin and amazing defense, and he resisted the attack.

However, although these poisonous needles were not fatal, they hurt!

Especially the previous poisonous fog, which rotted Black Kong's skin and flesh, and now being stabbed by the poisonous needles was undoubtedly salt on the wound.


Black Kong screamed again, his face twisted in pain.

He had never been so frustrated as today. Every time he was about to take action, he would be interrupted by Abigail in various ways.

First there were poisonous snakes, then poisonous smoke, and now there were a lot of poisonous needles.

The most annoying thing was that his defense, which he was proud of, was useless in the face of these attacks.

The defense that should be broken was broken, and the poison that should be poisoned was poisoned, as if it existed just to restrain him.

It was precisely because of his strong vitality that he was still alive and well after suffering multiple attacks, which made him suffer pain that ordinary people could not bear.

"I will kill you! I will kill you!!"

Black Kong roared continuously, like a madman.

At this moment, he didn't even pull out the poisonous needles on his body, and rushed towards Abigail like crazy.

Anyway, he couldn't die, so he fought with his life.

He could withstand hundreds of attacks, but as long as he caught a chance, he could cut Abigail into pieces.

At least, he thought so.

"He didn't die after eating so many poisons. His size really makes him tough." Abigail was amazed.


At this moment, Black Kong was close to her, and the blade of his right arm suddenly swung out, slashing towards Abigail's neck with lightning speed.


Abigail curled her lips, revealing a hint of contempt.

She did not dodge, but stretched out her white and tender jade hand and firmly grasped the blade that Black Kong was slashing at.


The blade collided with the palm, making a crisp sound, and then it froze.


Looking at Abigail who was bare-handed, Black Kong's eyes widened, his face full of horror.

His blade can definitely be said to be able to cut iron like mud, especially when he hits it with all his strength, it can completely cut a tank.

However, such a fierce and sharp attack, slashing on Abigail's palm, didn't even break the skin.

It's incredible!

Is she... a human or a ghost?!

"That's all?" Abigail curled her lips in disdain: "Not much."

"You... you..." Black Kong was terrified, his lips trembling, and he couldn't say a word.

He thought that as long as he attacked at close range, he could easily deal with Abigail.

But he never dreamed that the opponent's strength and defense were stronger than his, otherwise it would be impossible to catch his blade with bare hands.

Obviously she has strong strength, but she likes to use poison. Isn't this obviously playing with him?

"What do you mean? Now it's my turn."

Abigail raised her hand and punched Black Kong in the abdomen.


A muffled sound.

Black Kong's burly body, like a missile, instantly bounced dozens of meters high.

When he was in the air, blood began to spurt from his mouth and nose, sprinkling a scarlet.

However, before Black Kong's body landed, Abigail moved again.

Disclaimer: The author of this story is said to be Marina Vittori, although, due to it being posted in Mandarin and in Chinese websites, we have little to no way of figuring if it's true given the name doesn't even sound Chinese-y, aside from, of course, translating the chapters into English just to understand what those gibberish-heck of conversations written in that obscenities-littered Chinese website mean. For all I know, I'm just making this blog to post the chapters I, myself, didn't translate (heck, I won't even enter the website) for the Kirin Gang to enjoy. That being said, a big shoutout to Ton for the regular updates on Facebook, and to the God-knows-who (deym I forgot the name) who will post the chapters on Ton's behalf if he'll be out of Town. Either way, still, we give credits to the author @Marina Vittori (or whoever she claims to be). ENJOY!


After all she's Logan Rhys only student
Luigi said…
True. But even if she isn't, she's already a UG and only second to Tyler and Dustin in terms of ranking so she's a force to be reckoned with.
kingsylvanus said…
This is becoming more interesting. thanks Luigi and Ton
Luigi said…
You're welcome, brother.
Anonymous said…
Any updates?
Anonymous said…

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