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September 7, 2024

Previously, Black Kong's corpse abuse had caused widespread dissatisfaction.

Now, seeing him appear again, the audience erupted in boos, and some even started cursing directly.

“Damn! Just seeing this black dog makes me mad, I really want to kill him!”

“A worthless scumbag, ptooey!”

“He got away with it before, but now he’s fighting the Witch Sect’s Saintess. Let’s see how he dies this time!”


Many were grumbling angrily as they watched Black Kong on the stage, clearly upset.

However, Black Kong seemed completely unconcerned, staring straight at Abigail with a wicked grin, unable to hide the desire in his eyes.

“Tsk tsk tsk... Beautiful lady, fighting is a man’s job. As a woman, your duty is to reproduce.”

His gaze roamed up and down as his grin widened. “But your country’s warriors are all weaklings, completely unable to satisfy you. I’m different, though. I guarantee I can make you indulge to your heart’s content, hahaha...”

By the end, he was laughing loudly.

His words sparked an uproar among the crowd, leading many to curse him furiously.

“Damn you, black dog! I swear I'll kill you!”

“This bastard is way too arrogant! This is intolerable!”

“I can’t take it anymore! I’ll hack him into pieces today!”


The crowd erupted in anger, furious and outraged.

Publicly harassing a woman was already despicable, but to top it off, he insulted all the warriors of Long Nation.

His actions inevitably stirred up public outrage.

Cursing him was mild—some hot-headed warriors couldn’t hold back and were ready to attack.

Seeing their aggressive stance, it was clear they intended to beat Black Kong to death.

However, as soon as they moved forward, they were stopped by the disciples of Mount Longhu, who were maintaining order.

Although the Mount Longhu disciples were also angry, they kept their composure.

No matter what happened, the match could not be interrupted.

If a fight was to happen, it had to be settled in the arena.

“Heh... bunch of wimps!”

Black Kong glanced back at the enraged warriors in the audience, not showing any fear. Instead, he flashed a scornful, disdainful smile.

Then, he made a thumbs-down gesture toward them, full of provocation.

This action drove the Long Nation warriors to their breaking point.

As the saying goes, “A man can be killed but not humiliated.” To be publicly taunted by a foreigner like this was absolutely unbearable.

“I’m going to fight you to the death!”

“Damn it! I’ll cut you down with one strike!”

“Beast! Prepare to die!”


A large number of warriors broke through the blockade of the Mount Longhu disciples and charged toward the arena.

Black Kong grinned menacingly, slowly clenching his fist, ready to take advantage of the chaos to unleash destruction.

However, at that moment, a tall figure suddenly descended from the sky and stood between the two sides.

It was none other than the referee, Zhang Qizheng.

With a wave of his left hand, a gust of wind surged out, blowing all the warriors who had rushed onto the stage several meters back.

Then, with another wave, a blue barrier instantly covered the entire arena.

Any warrior who approached the barrier was shocked as if struck by lightning, their bodies trembling and their limbs paralyzed.

"Whatever grudges you have, settle them off-stage. Life and death are your business, but no one is allowed to disrupt the match," Zhang Qizheng warned the warriors sternly. He then turned his cold gaze to Black Kong. "As for you, if you continue provoking the crowd and stirring up anger, you’ll face the consequences!"

Black Kong only grinned without responding. Ordinary warriors from Long Nation were nothing to him, but the referee in front of him seemed formidable, not someone to provoke lightly.

“Without further delay, the third match officially begins!” Zhang Qizheng declared without further ado, knowing that if things dragged on, it would become uncontrollable.

“Beautiful lady, what do you think of my earlier proposal? Want to experience my power?” Black Kong continued taunting Abigail.

“No rush. After I cut out your tongue, gouge out your eyes, and castrate you, we can talk about our future together,” Abigail replied coldly, her expression indifferent.

“Really? Let’s see if you have what it takes.” Black Kong smirked.

With his strength, dealing with a frail woman would be a piece of cake. Of course, he wasn’t in a hurry to win. He wanted to publicly humiliate her in front of all the Long Nation warriors.

“Yin Snake, go!”

Without wasting any time, Abigail raised her hand. A black shadow shot out from her sleeve like an arrow, aiming straight for Black Kong’s throat.

“Beautiful lady, your attack is too weak, don’t you think?” Black Kong laughed, not dodging, and caught the black shadow with his hand.

Upon closer inspection, he found it was a snake-like creature, entirely black.

However, when the creature raised its head, Black Kong was startled.

The thing in his hand had the body of a snake, but it had a human face!

It looked incredibly eerie!

“What the hell is this?!”

Feeling a sudden chill, Black Kong was about to throw the creature away when the strange, human-faced snake suddenly opened its mouth and bit down on the web of his hand. - Marinien

Disclaimer: The author of this story is said to be Marina Vittori, although, due to it being posted in Mandarin and in Chinese websites, we have little to no way of figuring if it's true given the name doesn't even sound Chinese-y, aside from, of course, translating the chapters into English just to understand what those gibberish-heck of conversations written in that obscenities-littered Chinese website mean. For all I know, I'm just making this blog to post the chapters I, myself, didn't translate (heck, I won't even enter the website) for the Kirin Gang to enjoy. That being said, a big shoutout to Ton for the regular updates on Facebook, and to the God-knows-who (deym I forgot the name) who will post the chapters on Ton's behalf if he'll be out of Town. Either way, still, we give credits to the author @Marina Vittori (or whoever she claims to be). ENJOY!


Luigi said…
You're always welcome!

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