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September 10, 2024

Abigail took a step and suddenly rose up from the ground, quickly catching up with the flying Black Kong.

Then, Abigail raised her long legs above her head, and then, like a battle axe, she chopped down the back of Black Kong fiercely.


Another loud bang.

Black Kong, which was still floating, turned back in an instant and slammed into the ring like a football.

When the person was in the air, he spurted out a large mouthful of blood again.


The sturdy body of Black Kong came into close contact with the hard ground.

The terrifying impact force directly smashed a human-shaped deep pit on the ring.

For a moment, smoke and dust rose up and gravel flew.

Even though Black Kong's defense was amazing, this heavy blow also broke bones, dislocated internal organs, and was seriously injured.

If facing an ordinary Grandmaster, Black Kong's defense would naturally be almost invincible.

But the problem is that Abigail is not an ordinary Grandmaster, but an Ultimate Grandmaster who has awakened the Phoenix bloodline!

Each of her punches and kicks has fatal damage that can crush a Grandmaster.

It is beyond ordinary that Black Kong can survive a few blows.

"It's not over yet!"

Just as Black Kong was dizzy and ready to climb out of the deep pit, the devilish voice sounded again in his ears.

The next second, Abigail's fist hit Black Kong in the face.


Black Kong was knocked to the ground again, and his body hit the ground, shaking the ring twice.

His mouth and nose were crooked, his teeth were flying, and he was dizzy and had double vision when he saw people.

Abigail jumped into the pit and looked down at Black Kong with a cold light in her eyes.



Abigail punched Black Kong in the face again.

"Want to kill me?"


"Just you?"


"Who do you think you are!"



Abigail beat and cursed while punching Black Kong in the face, like a violent storm, continuously.

Black Kong was beaten to pieces, blood splattered everywhere.

At first, there was some reaction, only to groan twice, but later, there was no movement at all.

Only the "bang bang" sound of Abigail's punches hitting the flesh was left.

It lasted for an unknown period of time, but when Abigail stopped and walked out of the pit covered in blood, Black Kong had already died for a long time.

To be precise, he was not just dead, but his whole body was blasted into a pulp.

The head was gone, the neck was gone, and half of the body had disappeared.

Above the waist, there was only a muddy object mixed with flesh, blood, and bone fragments.

It was really horrible!

"Bah! Bad luck!"

Abigail spat on the corpse, then wiped the blood off her face and walked off the stage.

At this time, it didn't matter who won or lost. Black Kong's corpse had been blasted into pieces, and there was no need to wait for Zhang Qizhen to announce the result.

Looking at that beautiful face, some male compatriots in the audience felt their scalps tingling and a chill in their hearts.

Because when Abigail first came on stage, their words were quite frivolous. Although they were not as explicit as Black Kong, they were wrong after all.

Now after seeing the miserable state of Black Kong, they couldn't help but feel guilty and uneasy.

This woman didn't attack, but once she did, she really beat him to death, without mercy.

Black Kong's body, which was invulnerable to swords and guns, was beaten into a pulp. If it were them, it would probably be even worse.

Such a strong woman, no matter how beautiful she looked, they dared not look down on her at all.

"Good! Good fight!"

Suddenly, one person stood up and shouted.

The loud voice instantly broke the silence of the scene.

Immediately afterwards, there was thunderous applause and cheers all around, and the atmosphere was directly ignited.

"As expected of the Saint of the Wu Gu Cult, she is really amazing! I am convinced!"

"Hahaha... This time the Wu Gu Cult really enhances the prestige of our country! It deserves praise!"

"What is Black Kong? It's just a stinky gorilla. If you dare to come to my Dragon Country to make trouble, I will definitely make you a dead body!"

"Dare to provoke the Dragon Country warriors and dare to speak rudely in public, this is the end!"


The audience just felt proud and comfortable.

When they were mocked and humiliated by Black Kong before, they had been holding back a lot of anger, but due to the rules of the game, they couldn't do it themselves.

Now seeing Abigail violently beat Black Kong, they finally vented their anger.

As a result, they have a better impression of the entire Wu Gu Cult.

No matter what happened in the past, at least today, Abigail has won glory for the country.

Worthy of praise.

"Master Solace, your granddaughter is really violent, but I admire her." In the main audience, Tyler Xingchao rarely showed a smile.

Decisive killing, such people are in line with his appetite.

"What kind of violence is this? If it were me, I would definitely let that big black guy suffer to death, otherwise it would be too easy for him." Penelope Solace said lightly.

After these words came out, Tyler Xingchao's smile froze slightly, and the other two also looked strange.

Almost forgot that the person sitting next to them was the real ruthless one.

Compared with him, Abigail's behavior just now can be called a bodhisattva. - Marinien

Disclaimer: The author of this story is said to be Marina Vittori, although, due to it being posted in Mandarin and in Chinese websites, we have little to no way of figuring if it's true given the name doesn't even sound Chinese-y, aside from, of course, translating the chapters into English just to understand what those gibberish-heck of conversations written in that obscenities-littered Chinese website mean. For all I know, I'm just making this blog to post the chapters I, myself, didn't translate (heck, I won't even enter the website) for the Kirin Gang to enjoy. That being said, a big shoutout to Ton for the regular updates on Facebook, and to the God-knows-who (deym I forgot the name) who will post the chapters on Ton's behalf if he'll be out of Town. Either way, still, we give credits to the author @Marina Vittori (or whoever she claims to be). ENJOY!


Luigi said…
Sorry for the late update, everyone.
Guimo said…
Can't wait for the next Ep. Awesome greatly appreciated for this update Luigi and Ton..
Luigi Jacaban said…
You're all always welcome!

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